If you somehow survived the complete brain rot that comes with being an anime fan WITHOUT annoying your roommates: congratulations because I am still struggling to this day. Between cosplaying, anime on sunday mornings, …
Picture this: It’s less than two weeks until convention weekend, you don’t have your lineup finalized, and your friends are pressuring you to finish packing. What are you doing? Well, you’re con-crunching! Con-crunching is …
We celebrated Pride Month here at Girltaku earlier this year, and it allowed me to reflect on the many queer characters, relationships, and overall queer representation in anime & manga. Through the years, I …
With cosplay growing more within these past few years, it has become a space where everyone can be as creative as they want! However, how do those with disabilities find creativity in their cosplays? …
The last time I went to a summer con, I immediately thought: why THE FUCK did I think cosplaying Shanks in the dead heat on a July day in TEXAS was a good idea? …
As the most single person that I know it’s hard to feel like the main character in a shoujo, therefore I’ve been implementing self-care days to boost my self-esteem and overall lifestyle- and of …