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Comfort Anime For Cozy season

Cozy season is upon us and these comfort anime are perfect for the occasion. Need a break from horror, or got a warm drink and nothing to watch? Snuggle in as these shows will make you smile…or cry if that’s the type of comfort you need. 

Cells at work

Cells at work comfort anime

First up Cells at Work which is both comical and educational. Don’t take the lightheartedness as childish. Despite the show not having a linear plot, each episode makes you want to watch another. It follows Red Blood Cell through her task to serve the human body. We befriend other cells like White Blood Cell, C cells, platelets, and different types of germs and bacteria. You don’t need to understand biology for it to be a comfort anime.

Saiki K

Annoyed Saiki K, comfort anime

Saiki K will forever be one of my favorite comfort shows. Something about the deadpan humor gets me. It follows a psychic teen who’s annoyed by everyone and everything- except for coffee jelly. This is great for a quick laugh as episodes can be a one-and-done. I HIGHLY recommend watching the dub as the comedy translates better.

Assassination Classroom

Assassination Classroom

This delinquent class is trying to murder their teacher! The comfort comes mostly from their wonky-not-alien alien-teacher Koro-sensei. As the teacher is unkillable, he taunts and encourages them to be better students and skilled assassins. The encouragement he gives his student is infectious and you'll end each episode feeling better about yourself. Assassination Classroom will pull on your heartstrings, make you laugh, and have you root for the underdog! Both sub and dub are great for this one, I recommend switching every few episodes.  

Ghost stories

Ghost Stories cozy anime

If you can toss some of your morals away, this show is perfect if you need a laugh. BUT only in the dub. When recording, the voice actors were told to do whatever they wanted. A group of odd kids and an odder cat are tasked with exorcising the town's ghost. While I started the show for the jokes, some of the exorcisms are scary! From sick jokes to taking itself a little too seriously, this show had my side-splitting. Again, it is NOT for everyone and can, and will, be offensive.

Delicious in Dungeon 

Delicious in Dungeon comfort anime

Dungeon Mushe, or Delicious in Dungeon, is THE comfort anime for dinner time. Fans of RPGs, cooking, or found families, add it to your watch list! Watching the show feels like you’re a member of their party. You learn just as much about the dungeon as they do. Everyone is likable with their own quirks, it’s hard not to smile when they all get along. Plus there are so many comfy meals, check out a list of our faves! The dub and sub are equally great for this one!



Another scary one to add to the list is Zom100! Akira is a relatable MC who works a soul-crushing job with no love life. When the apocalypse starts, he is determined to finish his bucket list despite running from death, literally. Despite how scary it sounds the characters are all admirable and quite funny! This show is equal parts stress and comfort. If you’re even remotely scared of zombies, it wouldn't technically be a comfort anime for you!

Polar Bear Cafe

Polar Bear Cafe Comfort anime

An anime that ALL the cozy anime girlies should jump on is Polar Bear Cafe. If you like cafes, high jinks, and adorable animals give this one a watch. The show follows Shirokuma who owns a cafe, and Panda, a young and very lazy bear starting his first job. Animals and humans alike stop by this cozy cafe. Each time you click play you feel like a regular in the cafe, catching up with friends. Many episodes are actually 2 in 1, so they make for a quick laugh! Nothing says cozy like a cafe, so make that coffee and press play!

Whether you need a slight scare, a good laugh or a mindless watch, these are perfect for the season. Girltaku is ready for the holiday season with lots of tips and recommendations so be on the lookout!

October 11, 2024
3 min read
great read!

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