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Crushing the Con-Crunch

Picture this:

It’s less than two weeks until convention weekend, you don’t have your lineup finalized, and your friends are pressuring you to finish packing. What are you doing? Well, you’re con-crunching! 

Con-crunching is when you have a convention coming up and virtually no time to get everything done.

Even the most experienced cosplayers are prone to the ailment of praying the odds are in their favor by the time the plane lands. No one is immune. Here are some tips and tricks to relieve some stress!

Plan Ahead and get your lineup finalized ASAP

Yeah yeah-- much easier said than done, but trust me. My go-to time frame is one month before the con. For some, this is way too close to the con so set something within your means. Make a weekly checklist setting your goals for each cosplay.  Know who you're cosplaying and write down every single thing they’re wearing- that is if you're going the accurate route. This way you don’t forget that you need gloves for Kakshi, or that Luffy needs a straw hat…it’s happened. Having a picture on hand at all times is also helpful, this way if you're shopping around you know exactly what you're looking for. The one-month period is also a great time to start ordering any pieces. This allows time to return and resize if needed.

Think creatively!

Okay so now we’re closer to con, it’s too late to buy anything online and money is running tight. This is when I hit up every thrift store known to man. Buying second-hand responsibly is a great way to save money while cosplaying. Consignment stores and even chain retail stores have things that could work at low prices as well. Along with this GO TO A DOLLAR STORE! Craft stores are great, however, you need money for Artist Alley. Dollar stores have great craft supplies and accessories that may benefit your cosplay. A good chunk of it is decent quality too. Be creative and think outside the box, but inside your pockets.

OKAY OKAY, you are literally at the airport and you have no clue what to do. 

Don’t worry babes that cosplay will get done! While you can’t style a wig or sand your props, you’d be surprised what you can get through TSA. I’ve written out business cards and handouts on planes. And have even applied false nails during my layover. While those things aren’t really part of your cosplay it will maximize your cosplay time at home. And you obviously can’t get through TSA with a sewing machine but sewing kits are allowed on flights. So with respect, sew on a button or two or fix up a small hole! The biggest thing is knowing what can wait to save you time

Damn you’re already in the city and heading to the con in the morning?!?!

Okay no shame to you it happens, and has happened to me often. Don’t fret, if your friends are anything like mine you all con crunched and aren’t quite done yet. When working all together it makes the stress go away and they may even be able to provide insight on different methods now that you’re away from home. Someone always brings a hot glue gun, and many hotels/Airbnb will lend you a pair of scissors.  

IF for SOME REASON you’re still not done day of…

the oh so convenient cosplay repair is always there to save the day. Many cons have a designated cosplay repair section full of paints, hot glue, and even sewing machines. This is usually free of charge and the staff is always knowledgeable. Of course, you don't want to build your entire cosplay there, but it’s a great help.  And if you’re lucky enough, you may even run into a Cosplay Mom/Dad. These guys go around cons saving lives with their pins in needles ready. Even props like swords, hats, and even full cosplays can be purchased at the exhibition hall. While they may be pricier than the alternative, it helps in a pinch. 

Just know, cons are overwhelming, and other life factors are no help. Don’t let your cosplay stress you out or ruin your con. So keep these tips in mind and crush con crunch!!! Unlike me who hasn’t started a single cosplay for my con next week!

March 10, 2024
4 min read
Tagged: cosplay · cosplay help · cosplay tips

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