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28 Days of Black Cosplay: What it Means to Cosplayers

In the cosplay community, February means 28 Days of black cosplay! Created by Chaka Cumberbatch in 2015, it has grown into a well-loved tradition in the black cosplay community. The challenge is what it sounds like. Black cosplayers cosplay for 28 days to celebrate Black History Month and their love for cosplay. 28 days is a lot, so many opt to do half the month or just a few days. Either way, we’re celebrating! Girltaku sat down with some dedicated cosplayers to discuss what 28 days of black cosplay means to them!

The 28 Days of Black Cosplay challenge takes over every social media platform from TikTok to Twitter (X). Sparkle (@sparklekonplay) heard about it from TikTok and was determined to take on the challenge. Others found out through the hashtag on Twitter, like Ajia, (@ajiatheeavatar) who thanks peer pressure for getting them to join. The hashtag is even big on Pinterest and Tumblr. Not only are there several ways to be introduced to the challenge. There are several ways to take it on!

@Kingdrell cosplaying Micheal Jackson, Boruto and Doma
@Kingdrell cosplaying Micheal Jackson, Boruto and Doma

Drell (@kingdrell) cosplays daily and puts in late hours, “there were times where I was recording my video at 1 or 2 in the morning." The dedication is admirable! Some cosplayers know themselves too well and understand that cosplaying daily isn’t for them. Filming content early and posting it daily is a valid way to participate in this challenge! Posting weekly also solidifies your participation in this 28 days black cosplay challenge! There is no rule stating you have to cosplay every day of the challenge.

With the pressure and stress, there is room to grow as a cosplayer and a creator. “Stress makes you grow,” says Kristina (@kristinadweeb) who's been participating in the 28 days of black cosplay since 2023. There are things Kristina has done for the challenge that she wouldn’t have done otherwise, “you learn how to build what you don’t know what to build!” High stress can cause unexpected solutions to cosplay problems. This growth is why cosplayers participate year after year, in the words of Ajia, “It encourages me to go big and go beyond!.” 

February is the best time for black creators to grow their content and get the reach they deserve. This was the case for Drell last year “[February 2024] was a big year as a content creator. I met every goal.” In his words, posting every day will “mentally teach you discipline,” which is why he was able to stay consistent after the challenge! This type of growth isn’t guaranteed, but depending on how hard you work, your general engagement, and some luck, this month can be fruitful! But even if you don’t hit all your goals, the community will be there for you!

@ajiatheeavatar Cosplaying Suma, Aizawa, and Luffy
@ajiatheeavatar Cosplaying Suma, Aizawa, and Luffy

With cosplayers getting the reach they deserve, they also get to build community, “reach is higher in February, and that’s where you get the retention,” Ajia explained. This retention is how community starts to form. Posting a cosplay every day, people want to see what comes next. Whether this means post notifications are on, or new followers. The challenge keeps people invested in the challenge and you! Many cosplayers discovered each other due to this challenge and are now collabing this year.

“It’s a good way to network yourself.” Dru (@dru.kujo) has been cosplaying since 2025 and doing the cosplay challenge since 2022 and thanks her friends for teaching them so much. “Helping each other in this community, puts you out there,” sharing posts, commenting, and having genuine conversations with other cosplayers is what Dru feels is the biggest benefit of the challenge. “Post, even if you think it won’t do anything. It’s going to do something, and it’s going to affect somebody!”

@dru.kujo cosplaying Jotoro Kujo, Dio. and Olrox
@dru.kujo cosplaying Jotoro Kujo, Dio. and Olrox

But despite black cosplayers taking over February, some people claim not to see them but as Drell protests, “The entire world has to see us!” If you’re on the search for more black cosplayers to follow, this hashtag is the best place to start! You can find future role models, friends, or just talented creators in one place. With how popular 28 Days of Black Cosplay is, these cosplayers hope that this can inspire other minorities in the community to do something similar so that everyone has a chance to shine. 

@kristinadweeb cosplaying Ace, Bruno Bucciarati and Gaimon
@kristinadweeb cosplaying Ace, Bruno Bucciarati and Gaimon

The 28 Days of Black cosplay Challenge IS a challenge. “The burnout is extremely difficult, especially if you do it last minute.” Ajia was only doing 2 cosplays a week, but the burnout hits quickly, “don’t let it discourage you.” Even the most skilled cosplayers have trouble doing all 28 days. And that is okay! “You have to find a balance between what I want to do and what I can do,” Kristina encourages to keep being realistic with yourself and your cosplays. “If you think something is a cosplay, it IS a cosplay,” it’s important to know yourself and your capabilities before starting the challenge. 

But taking the easier route isn't always an option for people like Drell. “I want to post 28 of the highest quality cosplays that I can.” Despite the risk (and lack of sleep), they don’t see the challenge as an excuse to reduce quality. Sparkle shares this sentiment “I want to get to do 28 not-so-random characters. It’s easier to craft a character than to just throw something on.” With how quickly the challenge happens, it’s hard to let each cosplay get its chance to shine. “Personally I want to spend more time with a character.” Whether you put in a lot of effort or are a little bit, be proud of your cosplay!

@sparklekonplay as Mahito, Mel Medarda, and Anastasia
@sparklekonplay as Mahito, Mel Medarda, and Anastasia

The biggest thing is to find out your priorities and everyone agrees, work ahead! It's suggested to have a list and order your items by December or early January. Filming content ahead of time is also beneficial. Dru suggests “If you’re not feeling up to it…or your mental capacity is not in the right space, this is where it benefits you.” Whether you put the energy and effort in 2 weeks ago or 2 hours before the post you still did it! And don’t feel pressured to do it alone! Sparkle utilizes an editor that will help them shoot and edit their cosplays in advance. Friends and family may also be willing to help, as well as other cosplayers taking part in this 28 day challenge!

There is no one way to participate in the challenge said Sparkle “Find different ways to celebrate, don’t take it too seriously. It’s not the number it's the work you put in.” Girltaku is so proud of every cosplayer that takes part in this challenge. A big thanks to the cosplayers who decide to share their experience with us. Please be sure to support these amazing cosplayers Dru, Sparkle, Ajia, Kristina, and Drell on all platforms.

Interested in hearing more from members in the cosplay community? Read about how cosplayers with disabilities feel in the cosplay community!

February 26, 2025
6 min read
Tagged: anime · cosplay

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